Waiting for an answer in these “microwave” times can be difficult; we tend to want an answer right now. We want to know if the cancer is back. Will we get the job to feed our family, or did we get chosen to adopt the baby? The silence can be deafening.
Psalm 44:23 (ESV) says, Awake! Why are you sleeping, O Lord? Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever! The Israelites also called out to God in the wilderness, constantly doubting God’s goodness and faithfulness.
Unlike those who lived during the Old Testament, we walk by faith, knowing that God has gone before us and His answer is good. As believers, we are being made whole again; Jesus has done the work on the cross. We have the beautiful advantage of knowing that Sunday, the Resurrection has come and that our Father God loves us. We need to walk in His Grace. Paul writes in Hebrews 12:1, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Did you catch that? Throw off the burdens, anxiety, and sin that so EASILY entangles us from being with our Heavenly Father.
It is written in (1 Peter 5:6) that if we are humble and not prideful, He will exalt you at the proper time, one of His many promises, which should encourage you to stay the course.
Rest in Him!
Grace is unmerited, redemptive, and accessible to all. We see this in the stories of the prodigal son, the woman caught in adultery, and the transformation of Paul.
(Luke 15:11-32, John 8:3-11, Galatians 1:15-17)
Exodus also shows this as the righteous Lord passes before Moses at Sinai and proclaims that He is slow to anger and faithful in love, truth, and grace. (Exodus 34:6)
We are all sinners, but His grace is enough!!
What is Grace: undeserved Favor
What is Favor: approval, acceptance, or blessings
Praise Jesus that it is a gift given to us freely. We are made new in Him!!!
If you are in a silent season of your life and are seeking the Lord’s Grace, know that you know that He has risen, He is lifted up, and the grace is already there.
All you need to do is receive it.
What the enemy meant for evil will not prosper, so trust in your Father, who loves you.

Heart Checks:
Do you take time to sit, pray, and wait for God, as Jesus did in Gethsemane, or do you react first and then pray?
What is your heart posture to a “no” or “not yet” answer?
We worship an all-knowing, all-loving God. How do you honor Him in your silent season, even when it is longer than you hoped for?
I really need this. Thank you.
May God continue to wrap you in His arms – even in the silence.