In healthcare, patients can present themselves at the clinic with an open wound or laceration. The provider will examine the wound, perform a debridement to remove foreign objects, and cleanse and suture the area. After which, we sometimes apply a thin layer of ointment to aid in healing the flesh. The ointment acts as a protective barrier that keeps the area moist, reduces scarring, and is free from becoming infected. Sometimes, our lives can be like that of lacerated flesh. We need a covering or barrier to help protect us during the healing process.
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, you can see the sovereign Lord reveal His son. When paying close enough attention, you can see the foreshadowing of the Great High Priest—the Messiah. When sin came into the world, our flesh became lacerated and infected. To prevent us from succumbing to our infected flesh/ sin, God, in His omnipotence, provides us with a covering, a barrier, a mediator. In Exodus, God gives complete instructions on how to erect the Tabernacle, which housed the Holies of Holies.
The Tabernacle is where only the priest, the men anointed with oil, had access to enter and make atonement for the sins of the children of Israel (Exodus 30:30-32). When walking in the anointing of God, priests should exercise extreme care. Aaron and his sons were the first anointed but weren’t the last. Even in their anointing, it was still possible to be disobedient and allow the infection of sin to affect God’s plan.
We see this when Aaron’s son dies from burning a strange fire on the Altar of the Lord. This is a reminder that being called by God doesn’t exempt us from being affected by the infections of sin through disobedience, But because God is so mindful of us, Hebrews 4:14 -16 reminds us that we no longer need a perfect priest to go into the Holies of Holies on our behalf. He sent the Great High Priest, who was sinless, to die for us so that now we have access. When treating our natural wounds, we can apply ointment to them because the manufacturer made them available for everyone to purchase. God provided the same for our anointing. He sent Jesus. Therefore, we all have access to the anointing that acts as a barrier and destroys yokes.
Unlike the priest Aaron and his sons, David’s appointment occurred after the initial anointing. David had to endure a process, and he was anointed three times. Anointed by Samuel as a young boy, later anointed King over the house of Judah by the men of Judah, and the final anointing was to the throne by the elders (1 Samuel 16:12-13; 2 Samuel 2:1; 2 Samuel 5:3). The process of King David’s anointing points us to the King of King and the Lord of Lord. (1 Timothy 6:15-16)
David needed a mediator to receive his anointing (Samuel, the tribe, and the elders). We also need a mediator, one that stands between our sins and our Sovereign Father. In the Old Testament, we needed someone to make atonement for us, but in the New Testament, when Jesus hung, bled, and died. Ripping the veil gave us access to become the anointed. We now can walk in the anointing that Jesus walked in. We now walk in the power and call of God. When applying ointment to natural wounds, it keeps the flesh moist. When walking in the anointing of God, we have to remain pliable. We have to stay moldable, allowing the anointing of God to work through us.
In the Old Testament, Mashach means to anoint, rub on, smear, and pour on. But in the New Testament, Messiah (similar words) means The Anointed One. In the New Testament, Jesus the Christ was Anointed One. Only priests, kings, and prophets were anointed in the Old Testament. But in the New Testament, because of Jesus the High Priest, the King of Kings, the prophet (Mark 6:4), we no longer need the anointing rubbed on us because of Jesus; it’s dwelling on the inside of us. Because of Jesus the Messiah, the anointing and impartation that was only allotted for few to experience is now available for everyone.
Therefore, our flesh doesn’t have to stay wounded or infected because of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling. The anointing starts from the inside out. So walk in your anointing and power that has been given to you.

Heart Checks:
What is hindering you from walking in the anointing that’s rightfully yours?
Have you discovered what you’ve been anointed to do?
How are you preparing to walk in your anointing?
I am still a work in progress but I do the best I can in Jesus name