Galatians 4:4-5 (ESV)

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth  Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”

Consider the reality of being adopted as a child of God through Christ’s redeeming work. What does it mean to you personally to be part of God’s family, and how does this shape your identity?

As we enter the Christmas season, thoughts of families gathering together is often the first thing that comes to mind. Living in a fallen world we are faced with the incompatible ideals of the “perfect family holiday gathering” versus the reality of our messy lives.

For many of us these unrealistic expectations for the holiday season leave us feeling downcast and either bitter or lonely.

The Word of God reminds us of how good and pleasant it is when we live in unity and to make every effort to bind ourselves together in peace if at all possible.

When we look to God’s Word for the answers we are blessed once again by the hope we have in Christ Jesus our Lord.  

Our devotion for today covers Christ entering into our world in the fullness of time. This is in relation to our Father’s ultimate plan for humanity. God in His infinite wisdom knew exactly Who the world needed at precisely the right time. Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  He knows about our every need and through the sacrifice of His only Son we have been adopted into His family . God carries us through the difficult times as we learn to love and trust the people He put in our lives, including our families. Some of us don’t have family here or perhaps we are estranged from them.

Jesus Himself spoke of families who would be divided because of Him as we must choose our Lord over any other person. (Luke 12:51-53)

Whether we gather with dear family members  or not, we must never forget the true meaning of Christmas. A love so strong our Father sent His Son as a sacrifice for our sins so we can become part of the family of God.  

Our hope of true love and peace can only be found in Jesus our Savior.

He carries us through the difficult times in this life and promises us life eternal as we have been adopted in His heavenly family. hing to offer up to the Lord.
Are we willing to pay the cost of our Gifts?=

Heart Checks:

When you know you will be entering into a stressful situation have you taken the time to prepare yourself spiritually as well as mentally? 

Do you need to humble yourself and ask the Lord to help you forgive someone who has hurt you? 

How do you represent our Heavenly Father during Christmas gatherings? 

Are you prepared to celebrate our Lord if you end up alone? It’s all about Him, our hope eternal!