Matthew 1:21 (ESV)
“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
Jesus came to save His people from their sins. Reflect on your own journey of salvation and how Jesus has saved you. In what areas of your life do you still need His saving grace?
As humans living in this fallen world it is so easy to lose sight of the Truth and get caught up in lies of the enemy. He dangles them off of a very enticing hook. We must remember Jesus is our good shepherd and the only way to salvation.
When most people give a testimony of their salvation they can remember precise details.
My story is a little different.
As a child, I was raised in church and attended a parochial school. We often went to church twice a week, and the school I attended had chapel each Wednesday. Our church was wonderful but very conservative. Many of my early memories are of church and our family worshiping together. As I grow older, I cherish those memories and my Christian upbringing.
Despite this upbringing, I have always searched for a “deeper truth.”
It was the 1970s. In my search for “truth,” I became a card-carrying member of the meditation society by responding to an ad in the back of a magazine. And yes, I was still in grade school.
The counterculture movement of the sixties was still permeating our culture, and I was drawn to many non-Christian beliefs. Adolescent and college years led to involvement in the new age and a degree plan in Anthropology of Religion.
My search for a deeper truth led me into dangerous spiritual ground and I can only thank Jesus for accepting me back as the prodigal child.
I didn’t live in a pig pen per se, but I was swimming in a spiritual cesspool of deception, and it was destroying my life.
I returned to my Christian roots at a Walk To Emmaus. I believe I was saved as a child, but I spoke the sinner’s prayer just to be sure.
I also repented from all false teachings and rededicated my life to Christ.
In His infinite goodness, God forgave me, and for that, I am grateful.
That deeper way I was searching for was right before my eyes all along. I just needed to walk into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. I still cling to and desperately need His grace every day. To fight away fear and uncertainty in difficult times and to ask for His forgiveness when I blow it.
Please let me encourage you to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus over anything else in this world. He is indeed our good shepherd, and I am forever thankful for His forgiveness and grace. Return to the Lord while He may be found!
(Isaiah 55: 6-9)
Jesus was sent into this world as a ransom for our sins so we could become part of God’s family.
Heart Checks:
Have you written down your testimony to share with others?
Have you begun a deeper walk with Jesus?
How do you depend upon the grace of God in your daily life?
Beautiful story my sister in Christ.
Thank you for your gift to me.