Brokenness is everywhere, and little has changed since first-century Palestine, approximately 2,020 years ago. Broken relationships, broken families, chronic illnesses, natural disasters, political and social unrest—yes, there is technology, modern medicine, scientific breakthroughs, and endless inventions. And yet, we still have to endure the human condition and succumb to the enemy of sickness and death, as reality superficially presents itself.

Luke 24 recounts a group of women as the first witnesses. They were astonished at what they saw and heard from angelic beings waiting in the empty tomb of Jesus—“Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!” Jesus, their Lord and companion, fulfilled what he said he would do—Rise again on the third day! Can you imagine the utter shock they felt? Talk about defining moments in life. Their lives were forever transformed by Jesus’ living again!

While Jesus walked the earth, you see, he inherently foreknew that the solution to a world of brokenness, sick with sin, was not a better government, education, or other socio-economic solutions. The problem was deeply rooted in the human heart and in separation from God. What we have seen this whole week of walking with Jesus, and indeed his entire life, is that Jesus came to fulfill so many Old Testament prophecies, all culminating into one story—the restoration of God’s human family to His original design for us, and that is to be His Imagers, as laid out in Genesis 1.

Sin entered into the world and brought death to creation. Jesus’s conquering death is the first step and a glimpse into what we would become as humanity restored to God’s original design.

Resurrection is EVERYTHING we had ever hoped and dreamed of from the beginning of time. Resurrection is the display of God’s power to fulfill promises from long ago and God’s power to usher in His plan full circle, back to Himself and to humanity’s best place—to be in perfect relationship with our Creator.

Resurrection means we, as redeemed believers, are free to be who we fully are IN CHRIST. This promise is reserved for those who truly believe in the work and person of Jesus Christ. John 3:36 says, “Anyone who believes in God’s Son has eternal life.

Anyone who doesn’t obey the Son will never experience life but remain under God’s angry judgment.”

Without belief in the Risen Christ and loyal obedience to Him, there is no way we can experience eternal life already and come to full fruition when He returns.

1 John 5:11-13 says, “Whoever has the Son has life!”. Anything apart from the risen Jesus only leads to death. “Believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.” This was promised long ago in Isaiah 26:19: “Those who die in the LORD will live; their bodies will rise again!”.

Our resurrected Jesus means what he says and is doing what he promised, even now: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20. We are never alone! We as Christians are called to follow in our Lord’s footsteps and live out life as God’s image bearers and walk a life worthy of resurrection.

Heart Checks:

Do you believe in the risen Savior Jesus Christ?

Are you willing to obey Him in deep gratitude for His gift of eternal life and forgiveness and restoration from brokenness?

Further reading: I Cor 15. Luke 24:1-12. 1 John 5:11-13, John 3:36. Gal 5:22-26, Matt 28:16-20. Old Testament: Psalm 17:15 Isaiah 26:19, Daniel 12:2. Quoted verses are from the NLT.