Donate to Heart Dive

Support Kanoe Gibson


The Future of Heart Dive


In 2023, the Lord led Kanoe to start an in-depth 365 Bible study that has truly grown exponentially beyond anything she could have imagined. With a YouTube channel of 42k (as of 1/1/24), the only means of support has been through Amazon Affiliate links (here) and her PayPal donation link. It is a blessing to provide true Bible literacy to thousands. #digitalmissionary

2024 and beyond

In 2024, Kanoe is launching this website and a podcast version that will post simultaneously beside her YouTube video Bible study. She will also be exploring other ways for her Bible study friends to give back through offering digital products and pursuing a non-profit status. Please be patient as she navigates the growth. Thank you.

Give Back

If you feel led to give, all donations will be stewarded for the advancement of the Kingdom of God through this ministry.

Thank you for those who desire to support it 😭❤️.

Please note— this is the ONLY link I am providing. I will NEVER solicit donations in the comments of my YouTube videos or direct message you. 

heart dive logo with kanoe gibson formerly notes and hues on youtube _ black and white logo in rectangle

Kanoe's Sabbath (No Videos)


Click the link to subsribe to the newsletter and receive the 365 reading plan.