Meet the Host of the Heart Dive Podcast , Kanoe Gibson.

12/31/2024 EDIT: There will NOT be a Patreon membership.

As we gathered for my new podcast interview, I shared a glimpse into my life, weaving through the layers of hurt and trauma that have shaped me. I spoke of experiences that, until now, I’ve guarded closely, feeling it wasn’t yet time to fully reveal. However, within this vulnerability, I unveiled a crucial aspect of learning God’s love—a journey marked by the profound forgiveness I witnessed from my husband. His grace and love have been instrumental in my understanding of God’s unfathomable forgiveness and healing.

We delved into the exciting developments for our ministry. I shared my enthusiasm for the upcoming merchandise, a tangible way for our community to feel connected and supported. Exploring new opportunities, I discussed the launch of our membership on Patreon, aiming to create a space for deeper engagement and exclusive content.

Our conversation then ventured into the resources that guide my study and teaching. I highlighted the commentaries that have been instrumental in my exploration of the scriptures, offering insights that enrich my understanding and teaching approach. We also explored the significance of prayer and the ways it shapes my daily walk with God.

Touching on an area close to my heart—nurturing faith in young hearts—we discussed Bibles for children and a book focused on teaching purity to kids. It’s crucial to equip our children with tools that instill faith and moral values, fostering a foundation of spiritual growth and understanding from an early age.

This interview was a moment of transparency, sharing both personal reflections and the vision for our ministry’s growth. I’m grateful for the opportunity to connect with our audience, sharing insights and hopes for what lies ahead. As we journey together, may these conversations ignite deeper reflections and connections within our hearts and community.

Mentioned on the Show: